Call for Proposals 2022

16th Annual Outdoor Sculpture Exhibit

September – October 9, 2022

 “Wondrous Creatures”

This year’s theme is “Wondrous Creatures”. We’ve been isolated in our own worlds, trapped in our heads, caught by worry and fear. And now, concerned for people all over the world — fighting wars or losing their homeland to the ravages caused by climate change. But there are glimmers of grace and flashes of brilliance. We know there is much work to do to heal our fragmented world and this struggling planet, but here at Old Frog Pond Farm, we are asking artists to use their imaginations to bring a smile and cheer to the hearts of visitors to the farm. We want you to go wild with your imagination and create a “Wondrous Creature” for our 2022 exhibit.

What will you create to share your vision? It might be social, political, or spiritual. It could be a new direction in your art, something you haven’t given yourself the freedom to try before. If you are unfamiliar with the farm, please get in touch to visit, and see for yourself the possible sites for sculpture. You could be deep in the woods, near the edge of the pond, in the field or in the orchard.

The Jurors

The selection of twenty-five works for this year’s exhibit will be made by artists Linda Hoffman and Anne Eder. Hoffman has been part of the New England artist community for over thirty years. She and her husband are stewards of the farm and her sculpture studio is on the property. Eder is an interdisciplinary artist and educator and has an ongoing installation at the farm, Anne’s Boneyard where her creatures live out their lives, decomposing and returning to nature.

The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2021.

Please include with your submission:

1.     Name, address, email, phone number, and website
2.     Title of Work
3.     Dimensions
4.     Description/statement about your proposed piece with sketch/photos
5.     Site Requirements
6.     A one-paragraph artist bio and short resume
7.     Entry fee of $15. Venmo:

A Few Guidelines:  

1.     Artwork should be secured and safe from hazards and not cause injury
2.     The placement of artwork will be determined by the jurors along with the artists.
3.     Artwork should not be sexually provocative as we have families visiting for berry and apple picking while the exhibit is open.
4.     Artists are responsible for installation, maintenance during the exhibit, and removal.
5.     Artists must not damage any trees or remove plant material without prior discussion.
6.     Each artist will sign an indemnity form provided by the farm.

Exhibit dates: August 1 – October 9, 2021

April 1: Entry deadline & proposal review by committee
April 15: Artists notified of acceptance
July 15 – 21: Installation
August 1: Opening Reception for the Artists (or later in September)
After October 13: (week of): De-installation

Stipends will be in the form of organic fruit from the farm.
Questions: or
For information about the farm or to see prior seasons sculptures:

Please email your proposal to: